Income that does not count in child support computation

What income does not count?
The child support computation in Ohio does not include monies from any of the following sources:
Benefits received from means-tested government administered programs, including Ohio Works First (OWF or cash welfare)
Prevention, Retention, and Contingency (PRC)
Means-tested veterans’ benefits
Supplemental security income (SSI)
Food stamps
Disability financial assistance
Other assistance for which eligibility is determined on the basis of income or assets
Benefits for any service-connected disability under a program or law administered by the U.S. department of veterans’ affairs or veterans’ administration that are not means-tested, that have not been distributed to the veteran who is the beneficiary of the benefits, and that are in the possession of the U.S. department of veterans’ affairs or veterans’ administration
Child support received for children who were not born or adopted during the marriage at issue
Amounts paid for mandatory deductions from wages such as union dues but not taxes, social security, or retirement in lieu of social security
Nonrecurring or unsustainable income or cash flow items
Adoption assistance and foster care maintenance payments

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